9:30am - 11:00am
Tue 24 Sep 2024 - Tue 08 Jul 2025
£2.00 per session
(42 total activities)
You can still join for the remaining 16 £0.76 for remaining 16 activities
You can book individual activities for £2.00 each
Sesiwn Ti a Fi i Babi's a Phlant bach.
Yn rhedeg pob Dydd Llun rhwng 9.30yb - 11.00yp.
£2 y sesiwn.
50c am plant ychwanegol.
Troi lan neu cysylltwch am fwy o wybodaeth.
Ti a Fi session for babies and small children.
Running every Monday between 9.30am - 11am.
£2 per child.
50p additional sibblings/children.
Turn up on the day or contact us for more information.
Ysgol Gellionnen